An Introduction

The first hello… and a road-map for this new journey.

An Introduction
Photo by Manuel Sardo on Unsplash

Hello 🙂

Everyone enjoys a fresh start, the excitement of a new beginning.  I’m very glad to have you here with us in this one!

I will assume that our initial visitors know who I am, so I’ll skip the life story (you can go elsewhere for that), but at the very least, my name is Mark and I’m a Mushakian.  Huh… that reads like the introductory greeting at a Mushakians Anonymous meeting.  Anyways, I won’t be long-winded in my initial post (don’t worry, long-winded is coming), but I want to simply lay out a direction for this blog — both immediate and long-term.

Coming soon:

  • Out of the Box is a web comic I created years ago, and I will soon be bringing it to this site in a slightly different form than it once was.  More on that later, but first I have to set the comic up at its new home and port over years’ worth of archives.  I think the new venue is very fitting, and I’m excited about it!  I’m not quite ready to share the link yet, but let’s just say that if this new location was a Halloween costume, it’d be Gram Insta.
  • I have a couple of short stories that I will be sure to share here, and hopefully my next one won’t be years away.
  • We’ll be adding a photography section, simply to highlight the work of a budding hobbyist.

Long-term mission:

  • Though I can exhaust myself at times, I truly do enjoy the creative art of writing, so without grand promises, I hope to make use of that skill here on a regular basis.  My primary goal with everything on this new site is to either
    1. Entertain, or
    2. Enlighten
  • If we’re not pulling off either one of those qualities in what’s presented here, than it’s probably not worth sharing.
  • I reserve the right to do things here simply to make my girlfriend giggle/swoon/giggle-swoon — but I’ll try to keep that to a minimum blog topics will contain much of the usual one might expect in a personal blog, but our primary interests here are:

life adventures, God, movies, music, and dogs.

Time will change that list, I’m sure, to include food, child-rearing, and who knows what else.

So, here’s to our new journey into the blogging world, hopefully filled with years to come of humor, heart, and creativity.  I sincerely appreciate anyone who takes the time to swing by this little blog o’Mushakian, and I hope to make it worth your while!  Feel free to subscribe by email for post updates or simply leave a comment saying hello anytime!

A brief note on the site itself:  I designed this thing from the ground up (hope you like it!), so while it is purposefully minimal in presentation, if you find that we’re missing something important or if something is broken, I’d really appreciate it if you’d drop me a line.

Personally, the most exciting thing about this new journey is having a partner-in-crime at… but I’ll write about that next week 😉